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Home electrical
7/1.35mm Cu/PVC/PVC Two Core 100m Fire Sheild Kelani Cables in Sri Lanka. Brand - Kelani Cables Model - 1J229135ZZ Imperial Size - 7/.052" Nominal Cross Sectional Area - 10mm No. & Diameter of Wires - 1/1.38 x/mm Nominal Insulation Thickness - 1.0mm Nomina. electrical, etc...
0.50mm 20 Pairs Kelani Telephone Cable in Sri Lanka. Brand - Kelani Cables Model - WHKC05 Number Of Pairs - 20 Conductor Diameter - 0.5mm Nominal Overall Diameter - 11.6mm Approximate Mass - 16.5 (kg/100m) Capacitance at 1Khz (Unbalance) - 300 (pF/500m) Conductor. electrical, etc...
7/0.53mm Cu/PVC/PVC Four Core 1000m Fire Sheild Kelani Cables in Sri Lanka. Brand - Kelani Cables Model - 1P419053ZZ Imperial Size - 3/.0.36" Nominal Cross Sectional Area - 1.5mm No. & Diameter of Wires - 7/0.53 x/mm Nominal Insulation Thickness - 0.8mm No. electrical, etc...
4 Pole - 25A Schneider Miniature Circuit Breaker in Sri Lanka. Brand - Schneider Model - A9N4P25C Device application - Distribution Range of Product - Acti9 Range - Acti9 Product name - XC60 Product or Component Type - Miniature circuit-breaker Device short Name . electrical, etc...
160A 3P - 25KA Schneider Circuit Breaker in Sri Lanka. Brand - Schneider Model - LV516303 Range of Product - EasyPact CVS100...250 Product Name - EasyPact CVS Device short name - CVS160B Product or Component Type - Circuit Breaker Device Application - Distribution . electrical, etc...
Electrical Panel Board Repairing Services in Sri Lanka. New Sanka Electrical and iron works a range of services like panel board repairing work, electrical power panel repairing, house wiring work, building wiring work, electrical repair work with an experience of 30 years for the best affordable ra. electrical, etc...
2 Pole - 20A Schneider Miniature Circuit Breaker in Sri Lanka. Brand - Schneider Model - A9N2P20C Device application - Distribution Range of Product - Acti9 Range - Acti9 Product name - XC60 Product or Component Type - Miniature circuit-breaker Device short Name . electrical, etc...
Electrical Contractors in Srilanka in Sri Lanka. Mihidum construction and engineering in peradeniya is an experienced and leading construction company which has complete many housing project in srilanka. we are provide excavation work, foundation work ,slab form work ,reinforcement work ,painting wo. electrical, etc...
3 x 0.75mm (3C) Kelani Screened Cable in Sri Lanka. Brand - Kelani Cables Model - 1O315020ZZ Nominal Cross Sectional Area - 3 x 0.75mm No. & Diameter of Wires - 24/0.20 (x/mm) Nominal insulation Thickness - 0.6mm Nominal InnerThickness - 0.8mm Nominal Sheathing Thick. electrical, etc...
7/0.67mm Cu/PVC/PVC Two Core 100m Fire Sheild Kelani Cables in Sri Lanka. Brand - Kelani Cables Model - 1J222067ZZBROWN Imperial Size - 7/.029" Nominal Cross Sectional Area - 2.5mm No. & Diameter of Wires - 7/0.67 x/mm Nominal Insulation Thickness - 0.8mm . electrical, etc...
2 x 1.5mm (2C) Kelani Screened Cable in Sri Lanka. Brand - Kelani Cables Model - 1O219020ZZ Nominal Cross Sectional Area - 2 x 1.5mm No. & Diameter of Wires - 30/0.20 (x/mm) Nominal insulation Thickness - 0.7mm Nominal InnerThickness - 0.8mm Nominal Sheathing Thickne. electrical, etc...
Frame Anchors price in colombo in Sri Lanka. Universal facade plug with a flat collar and zinc-plated hexagon flange screw and SWB/T – 40 drive. The size guide is available in the description below. Description Part of the plug is made of Polyamide. Suitable for concrete, solid br. electrical, etc...
Electical Contractors in Sri Lanka. SUN LANKA CONSTRUCTION is a leading construction company in Sri Lanka which provides all construction services with the best quality with standards for the best price, fast and genuinely. SUN LANKA CONSTRUCTIONS all construction services, House Plan, Renovat. electrical, etc...
Kandy Wall Lamp - Wooden in Sri Lanka. kandy wooden light fitting handmade fittings in sri lanka , teak light fitting . electrical, etc...
100A 3P - 15KA Schneider Circuit Breaker in Sri Lanka. Brand - Schneider Model - EZC100N3100 Range of Product - EasyPact Product or Component Type - Circuit Breaker Device short name - Easypact EZC100N Circuit Breaker Name - Easypact - EZC100N Device Application -. electrical, etc...
Wiring work in srilanka in Sri Lanka. Kahatapitiya electrical and PA system in ratnapura is an experinced and leading electrical company which has complete many housing project in srilanka. We are expert in Switch boards work,Panel boards work,Installation house wiring,All building wi. electrical, etc...
0.25A - 0.40A Overload Relay - D Range in Sri Lanka. Brand - Schneider Model - LRD03 Range - TeSys Product Name - TeSys LRD TeSys Deca Product or Component Type - Differential thermal overload relay Device short Name - LRD Relay Application - Motor protection . electrical, etc...
1 Pole - 20A Schneider Miniature Circuit Breaker in Sri Lanka. Brand - Schneider Model - A9N1P20C Range of Product - Distribution Product or Component Type - Acti9 Range - Acti9 Product name - XC60 Product or Component Type - Miniature circuit-breaker Device short Nam. electrical, etc...
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